



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tea at GFG

A few years ago Paul's aunt Susie had a dream of starting a girls' club for the girls at church who were in those middle years--old enough to be away for an evening but too young for youth group.
Me and Susie--partners in crime
It got off the ground as an offshoot of the sewing circle.  We decided to focus on, among other things, teaching the girls practical skills.

The girls voted on a name and came up with the laborious title of Proverbs Thirty-One Training Club, shortened to PTTC.

Of course the boys called it the Potty-Training Club, and eventually it got changed to the more workable Girls for God Club.

Last night we taught them to "do" tea.

We divided into three groups, then rotated them through three stations.

They made a proper pot of tea under my direction.


 They each set a place for themselves, under Susie's supervision, with a cloth napkin as a place mat, plus a napkin and ring, a vase with a flower, a teacup they brought from home, and whatever other decorations they wanted to add.  Each table was also supplied with milk, sugar, crackers, and cheese.


 And they made scones under Teresa's direction.

The lovely Teresa and her daughters.
 If your dough is sticky, make sure you wash your hands afterward.


Then we partook together and they all tried to crook their pinkies and we enjoyed the food, the tea, and each other's company.

The school board was having a meeting in the next room, so we took them some of our leftovers.  The girls peeked through the little window and watched them.  "They're eating their scones with these HUGE CHOMPS!" they reported, demonstrating with exaggerated puffed cheeks and grinding jaws.

Oh well, at least WE know better.

At Girls for God, you can be a cartwheeling tomboy before everyone arrives and then be a proper young lady with a British accent.


The important thing, as Aunt Susie says, is that you get to know God.

2 cups Bisquick
1/3 cup yogurt or sour cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup 7Up
1/4 cup Craisins (optional)
1/2 cup white choc. chips (optional)

Since this recipe turns out different every time, either drop them onto a cookie sheet like drop biscuits if the dough is sticky, or flatten and cut pizza-style if it's firm.
Bake at 425 until light brown.
Butter and/or frost if desired.


  1. this is neat. It's a fun age, as the cartwheels and proper pinkies represent!

  2. Awesome!

    -Carita Witmer

  3. I wish I had some girls to do this with!
