



Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ben is 15

Ben is a nice kid who calls me when he's going to be working late so I don't worry. He's also the one who asks if there's anything I need carried to the van on Sunday mornings. He sacrifices for his siblings and climbs seed sack stacks with Jenny and sleeps on the trampoline with her. And if I need any numbers crunched, Ben does it in his mind far faster than I could locate a calculator and do it myself. He loves God and thinks about things. Ben has survived a lot and I'm very glad he's alive and well today.

Emily made this place setting, crown, etc, for "King Ben."

Ben chose root beer floats instead of cake and ice cream. Here he is with his gifts including a dangerous-looking can of Silly String.

Quote of the Day:

Me (measuring carefully): I think you're. . .hmmm. . .about 5 feet 7 1/2 or 5-7 3/4.

Ben: Let's just say 5-8.


  1. Very fun!
    I also see the can of silly string is attached to another arm protruding from the edge of the photograph.

    Thanks for the very well thought out expression of who Ben is. It demonstrates that you know who he is (minus the details children like to privy themselves to). A local Christian radio has been doing a spotlight on various names. People call in and talk about their name of the week, whether it is John or Sue. Sometimes you can tell parents are struggling to identify the redemptive characteristics of their children.

  2. And my, how those 15 years have flown by, eh?

    I was standing in the DMV with my then 7 1/2-year-old son, watching the newly turned 15-year-olds take their permit tests and realized my baby was halfway there. He was just born a very short time ago, a blink of an eye, I remember it like yesterday!! and in only one more blink, he will be 15, and taking the test to get his permit.

    I suddenly felt old...I not only saw his past flash before my eyes, but his future!!

  3. I remember 15 and 1/2 years ago when I heard you were pregnant again thinking, "ok she has a boy with red hair, one girl with red hair and one with dark hair. It's time for a boy with dark hair." And so Ben was born. And then we left when he was just brand new and i didn't like it very much. I sure would like to get to know your children all grown up and feel like I do somewhat through blogs. Happy Birthday, Ben! April

  4. Happy Birthday Ben! Joyeux anniversaire!

    Nice hat :-)
