



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Comparison Shopping

I know some of you readers have done the circuit of our heavily-initialed Mennonite Bible schools. For the sake of the dear daughter trying to plan her future, I'd like to hear from people who have attended both EBI (formerly the more ponderous BMABI) and SMBI. (Or if you attended only one but have something to say, say on.)

Which is the more academically taxing?
(Or is that up to the student?)
Which has a more intense social life?
How hard is it to be alone at either (for introverts who have to have time away from people)?
Which would have a more supportive atmosphere for someone in recovery?
What is the dress code for girls at SMBI and is it true they have to wear nylons? [Unfortunately this is very important to the DD]


Quote of the Day:
Miss Amy: Sit down and be quiet!
Drennan: I'm not very good at multi-tasking.


  1. Nylons?!!! Thats not a biggie. She should try Carbon Hill...

  2. As an Oregonian who attended a very conservative Bible college in Kentucky and was forced to wear nylons, I can affirm that it IS a big deal. I had the demerits to prove it.

  3. You know we wore nylons all the time growing up and to this day I wear nylons when Im out and about. I have never seen what is so major about it but I guess its what you get used to. I cant get used to seeing dresses with knee socks on adult women. None of the women at Porter did that when I was growing up. Now when I come back to the Mennonites it just looks so strange!

    Yeah try Carbon Hill. They will stand her on a wooden box in the middle of the girls dorm and measure each and every dress to make sure its mid calf. I still remember what my mid calf measures; 9 and 5/8 inches from the floor. Yessirree! Nylons? She needs to count her blessings one by one!

  4. I agree, mrs. Darling. Knee socks on an adult woman looks strange indeed.

  5. So I've never attended EBI, but I did attend SMBI for five terms. I definitely had a wonderful experience! Yes, the nylons were an annoying reality that we groaned about and joked about. We used to say that if there ever was a fire drill in the middle of the night as long as you had your nylons on you'd be OK! Seriously it wasn't that bad though -- trouser socks or knee high nylons were sufficient.
    Aside from the nylon situation, the spiritual atmosphere and maturity of the students created a wonderful environment. I think, from what I've heard, that EBI and SMBI are probably about the same academically.

  6. Two of my kids attended BMABI (now EBI) and it was a wonderful experience for them. Our rules BEFORE going were: "Even if you don't agree 100% with all their rules, you understand what their rules are, so honor them with a good attitude! If you can't handle their rules with a right spirit, don't go." It was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is going for the purpose of growing spiritually and expanding their list of friends. Their teachers were A-1 and the things they learned were very beneficial. Chorus trip was also a big plus! I hope your daughter enjoys her time at whatever BI she chooses! Blessings on your decisions!
    Sincerely, M. Weaver

  7. I know for me, before I went to Bible School it was easy to concentrate on the little things that I THOUGHT would be big things--like nylons, privacy, etc. However. I did attend 2 terms at SMBI this past year, and both times I got used to wearing nylons (you can wear knee-highs) within a matter of days. (THank God we could wear short socks and tennis shoes over them.) It turned out to be not a big deal.

    I think it depends on the classes you choose, but academically, SMBI was challenging but not overwhelming (at least..not after the first week). The biggest thing is what you learn out of the classes that radically changes your life. If you go to SMBI, take at least one of Elijah Yoder's classes. That's a must. :) (the deep things you will discuss will thrill any introvert.)

    About the social life--it's whatever you want to make it. If you are really the party type, who doesn't like to study much, you will choose to hang out in the public lounge or be one of those who charges off to Starbucks in a small herd every chance you get. Me, I found it easy to find alone time--you can always take walks (the roads are pretty deserted); depending on who you dorm with and where they hang out, your dorm can be a good escape (only 4 to a dorm); the library is a mandatory quiet zone, so pretty easy to escape noise and socializing there if you need quiet study time; there are nooks and crannies here and there (stairways, prayer rooms, the chapel etc) where you can escape as well.

    Weekends also offer a chance to breathe and change pace, or allow more time for concentrated study.

    FWIW, I'M an introvert and I usually found that I woulda liked to be able to do MORE socializing than I was able because I tried to be diligent in getting my work done. Do allow time for volleyball--that's a necessary break, not to mention fun, of course.

    Also, if it's still a concern, you might consider going for 1st or 5th term at SMBI, because there are fewer people. That's what I did, and I was glad I did. Small groups become closer to each other. Also, you don't have as many people there to just "party," imho.

    And the spiritual atmosphere of SMBI? Like a previous poster said, it's a WONDERFUL environment. I would HIGHLY recommend SMBI.

    Hope that was helpful!
    Valerie G.

  8. I loved EBI and would recommend it any day. It was a great experience.

    I've known lots of people who go to SMBI and love it too. But I've never gone there (only visited) so I'm afraid I'm not much help in that respect.

  9. I am highly prejudiced since I am a former SMBI choir director's wife and the only other Bible School experience I have is yeeaaarrs ago at HBS, but here is my opinion. (Note opinion) I always thought we got the cream of the crop at SMBI. (clears throat - I SAID opinion!) I would agree with the previous comment that 1st and 5th terms would be good first experiences, but I would add 2nd term as well. 3rd and 4th are good too, but in my experience, those terms are fuller and louder and more full of socializing...some may disagree.
    Best wishes for where ever you decide is best for her.
