The Walmart post generated a flurry of responses, both online and off, from Jane who amen-ed me about teenagers going to the mall, to nephew Randy who thinks someone needs to open a Mennonite bakery in Harrisburg or even out at the freeway at the old Hungry Farmer restaurant. "Man, you'd have more business than you knew what to do with, especially if you put the name Mennonite in there."
I have a feeling I am thinking and talking about stores and such things so that I don't think about what's really on my mind: my kids leaving home.
Amy as you all know is living in South Carolina and even picking up the lingo. I miss her, but in a sweet sad way and not a devastating-grief way.
Matt finished his pre-engineering course at Linn-Benton Community College last June, and was then accepted into Oregon State University's engineering program. OSU is in Corvallis, which is about 45 minutes away. He has talked for a long time about getting an apartment in Corvallis, especially since he was working for an engineer there for over a year.
This engineer, a single man in his 50s named Ricardo, took their finished project to India and installed it, and now he's with family in Florida for a while. Matt emailed him recently and wondered when he'll be back and whether or not he'll have work for Matt when he gets back. And Ricardo emailed back and said he won't be back for a while and would Matt like to house-sit for him, since his 4-bedroom house is sitting empty. And then he can keep renting a room after Ricardo returns.
Matt leaped for the idea and discussed it with us. Paul made sure Matt asked Ricardo the right questions about the parameters and costs and all. I moped around tearfully and moaned that I've known this was coming but I'm still not ready, etc etc.
So Matt packed his car full of stuff and I packed a box of food so he wouldn't starve.
Me: Here, Matt, this is at least a day's worth of meals. (sniff)
Matt: That's a day's worth of meals for a family of eight!
I went to sewing circle and had a pity party with the two moms, Bonnie and Rachel, whose sons Randy and Justin moved into a 4-plex in Harrisburg this week.
Matt will be home today to work in the warehouse a few hours and also eat supper. Paul says we'll probably see more of him now than when he lived at home. I know that. And I know that Matt's 21 years old. And I knew this was coming. And I know he loves us and left on good terms. So why is this so hard??
Ok I might as well update everyone on the whole crew:
Ruth S. was at school recently and took photographs for the yearbook, so here's My Guy Paul:

and Ben
and Steven
Ben and Steven are both singing in Joyful Noise this year. That's their Aunt Rosie's choir)
And Jenny keeps growing up as fast as she can and keeping us entertained.

Emily didn't have her picture taken at school because she's a senior and will have a Real Portrait. She is finally finally getting over her worst bout of Emily-flu in years--three weeks of tired and achy and feverish and headachy. So far the blood tests say no leukemia (praise God), no infection, no allergies, no liver problems, no diabetes, no electrolyte issues. More test results are on the way. But today, at last, at last, she's starting to fly again. (See her Xanga for details)
Quote of the Day:
"Ben's a true warehouse worker now. A hole in the seat of his pants is fixed with duct tape."
--Emily, sorting laundry
thanks for puting my picture in mom
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting in their pictures, Dorcas.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or is Dad actually smiling for a picture?
ReplyDeleteJenny and Mark: you're welcome.
ReplyDeleteMatt: yes, that is an actual smile you see, or as much of one as you'll ever get from him in a picture. But you will note that he left the pen in his pocket--some things will never change.
Jenny is absolutely adorable. Is she as sweet as she looks?
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous: in my ever so humble and objective opinion: yes, she is.
ReplyDeleteDorcas, I feel your pain concerning children leaving the nice warm secure nest; I've been there and done that. After over 3 years, I still miss my only daughter so much some days....and she's just an email or phone call away, but as you know, that's just not the same. Fabulous photos--and I agree with "anonymous". Jenny is absolutely adorable!~karen
ReplyDeletewas Emily checked for lymne disease?
ReplyDeleteshe was in eastern USA this summer.