Sunday, September 06, 2009

Today's Letter from Harrisburg. . .

. . . is about siblings, those who stay and make the airport runs, and those who leave and come flying in for reunions.

You can read it here.

Quote of the Day:
"Mom should make audio books for deaf people!"


  1. A good post & timely as I am dealing with another child (and more of my grandchildren) moving out of state. It is so hard to see them go ... and I am beginning to think that none of our children will remain here in the NW:) Sigh.
    Blessings, Aimee

  2. What a great post, it's where I am also right now with my 4. Many things to think about, so well put.

  3. Thank you for the thoughts - makes me appreciate my sibling who has "never left" and me who is over 500 miles from home.

  4. Such a good article. I'm one who left, and I sometimes just wish for "normal." Good thoughts.

  5. Years ago my father said that if more than half of us (number five out of eight) moved east, they would, too. Well the time came when all but one did, but they stayed put!
