Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My New Annual Tradition

Last Christmas I had so much fun with this, I'm going to do it again. But early, so I can use Media Mail rates, which are cheaper but take up to two weeks to get there.

I'd like to give away some of my books to deserving souls and I need your help. You send me an email or Facebook message and tell me who should get a book, why they deserve one, and, if you like, which book they should get. And give me their mailing address.

If I agree, I send them a book.

Special consideration goes to anyone facing the holidays with extra heavy burdens--job loss, grief, illness, any struggles that make you pray, "Ok, God, really, hasn't she gone through enough now?"

And of course I have a special mushy spot in my heart for young moms in these situations.

You will all have the sense not to nominate yourself I'm sure.

You can send me an email at or send a message if you're my Facebook friend.

Thanks in advance for helping with this. It'll be fun, I know it already.

Quote of the Day:
"If you still have books you would like to give away, I know that my mom would enjoy one. She. . . has multiple sclerosis. It’s been close to a year now that she can no longer walk. She rests around the house most of the time and I think your stories would definitely add some enjoyment to her day."
--one of last year's nominations

1 comment:

  1. You are a good soul Dorca!
    THat's all I can say
