Sunday, January 14, 2007

Snow and Smuckers

Last week we had SNOW--heavy and wet and wonderful. The children rearranged the whole yard.

Here's Jenny the SnowPerson with Funny-Looking Arms.

Jenny, Ben, and Steven with their toppled-snowman-turned-sculpture.

The view through Hansie's gate.
Yesterday we hosted the annual Smucker Christmas dinner. It was a few weeks late because people were travelling over Christmas.
Here's Grandma, Steve, Bonnie (holding Cassie) and Paul.

Steven, Eric, Jenny

Lisa, Stephie, Emily

Anne (Grandma), Phil, Lois


  1. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Awww...wish I could've been there for the dinner. You can keep the snow, though. That's really weird that you guys have snow while we have rain.

    What I can see of the wainscoting/trim looks very nice, btw.

  3. Thanks for sharing the photos! I love to check in from time to time and today I was blessed to see your family.

    Until we meet in Heaven,

    Mrs. DM Garcia
