Sunday, March 08, 2009


I just love romance.

If I had been born into a Fiddler on the Roof sort of life, I think I would have been Yenta the Matchmaker.

I have matched lots of couples in my head that actually ended up getting together later.

I am so glad it has all worked out for Paul's nephew Randy and Shelley from Iowa. Their courtship will be a story for the grandchildren on waiting for God to work it all out. And here they are.

Then there's the lady who lives down the road at the blueberry patch and who was married to Paul's dad's cousin until he died of cancer some years ago, and now she is dating again. Amy found this out the other day in the grocery store. "Isn't she like, ancient?" asked a ridiculous young person [whom I will not name] when I shared the happy news. Actually, she's 60, and I think if you are alone at 60 there's no reason why romance couldn't be even sweeter, in its way, than at 20.

As Paul's aunt Allene said when she married Rudy, the little things don't matter so much when you're this age.

I like married romance too, like Richard the visiting preacher telling us how crazy he is about his wife, and Paul the husband looking happy when I walk into the room.

Romance is good.

Quote of the Day: (speaking of romance...)
Jenny: Steven, do you wanna get a rooster?
Steven: Why?
Jenny: So you can have chicks!
Steven: I'll wait till I'm 18.


  1. I like romance too, and my husband likes it even more than I do--how did I get so lucky!? I'm shaking with laughter at your quote of the day. =D

  2. I definitely agree, romance is lovely, but I have such a high respect for married romance! So much depth there...they've been through so much more together.


  3. Wonderful, Steven!And if you're lucky, your chicks will be even cuter! Pauline

  4. How neat to follow that link to the page of photographers I know! I went to Rosedale with both Rodney & Jodi Gehman. They do incredible work! Quite lofty in comparison to anything I could pull off! -Angela Heatwole
