Sunday, June 07, 2020

A Sweet and Unexpected Season

The Corona virus came roaring around the world like a freight train gone rogue, bringing widespread disruption, sickness, financial disaster, isolation, panic, death, and confusion.

Who would have thought that the virus would bring us a sweet little gift, like a package of chocolate hidden in the corner of a freight car on that runaway train?

Our six children have come and gone from home for the past fifteen years. They've moved out, moved back, done voluntary service, lived overseas, gone to Bible school, gone to college, worked at faraway jobs, and traveled all over. I had expected that their outward trajectory would continue, and our times together would become fewer and shorter.

This was the unexpected gift: the virus brought us all together. When Matt moved in with Ben to continue working for NASA, but from Corvallis, Oregon, instead of Houston, we were all within a half-hour's drive of each other. For these last two months before Matt's wedding, we've had many gatherings with all of us here. I never asked or hoped for this--it was utterly unexpected and delicious.

In addition, Oregon State's decision to hold all its classes online meant that Amy and Jenny were home all the time instead of zipping out the door in the dark wet mornings with heavy backpacks and coffee.

I've decided the themes of my life are: You Never Know and Who'd Have Thought?

I will be relieved when Covid 19 and its restrictions and repercussions are in the past, but I will always be grateful for the hidden gifts it brought.

Here are some pictures of our times together:

We had family Zoom calls on Sundays when we couldn't get together.

I happened to win this Phase 10 game:
Yet another way that Corona turned the universe upside down.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

Sometimes college students need a tea break.
We hiked at Finley Wildlife Reserve on a Sunday afternoon. Here we're exploring an old homestead.

At Finley Reserve.

A random Sunday evening

You shouldn't use the word "cute" with grownups, but sometimes you just want to.

This is also kyute.

Here's Ben admiring a snail on the new block wall the girls helped me build.
Jenny is helping me appreciate snails just a bit more.

A few have asked if the Ask Aunt Dorcas feature is returning. The answer is yes, after the wedding, since I still have a list of questions I'd like to answer.

If this season has been especially brutal for you and anything but restful and pleasant, please know that I care. Our roles could easily be reversed with the next freight train that comes barreling through. You never know. May the grace of God carry you, and may the crazy turns of events bring you small gifts that you never thought to look or ask for.

1 comment:

  1. The Baritone6/08/2020 9:09 PM

    Way to go at looking on the positive side of all this insanity. :-) I'm grateful that I was able to keep working full time (among other things). Hope the wedding and all the planning goes well.
