Monday, September 05, 2005

End of an Era

This afternoon Jenny and I sat down and filled her lavender Hello Kitty backpack with a pencil case, a Bible, a pack of crayons that I would have died for at her age, and her lunch bag, carefully labeling everything with a permanent marker.

Tomorrow my baby goes to school.

Quote of the Day:
"I think there’s room in the backpack for my cuddly-blankie too."
--Jenny, in a timid little voice. Not sure who’s gonna need that blankie more, her or me.


  1. A little bit of empty-nest syndrome, eh?

  2. I guess the Lord was kind to me. I have only one child. I had the first one leave and the last one leave for school the very same day. I can't quite imagine going through five or six times. It would have been much harder if I hadn't been teaching at her school.

  3. She was doing just fine when I saw her this morning! Getting all her stuff put away. Way to cute! Hope your day goes well! Bonnie

  4. Aubrey was worried about wearing her Raggedy Ann and Andy school-themed jumper. She was afraid that everyone was going to laugh at her.
