Saturday, May 24, 2008

Emily's Graduation

She doesn't see what the big deal is, really, and why everybody congratulates her. "I mean, after all, I still have a ton of work to do to finish up." Well. She survived the year, she worked hard when she felt horrible, she gave a speech that made people cry, she got her diploma. I say she deserves congratulations.

The rest of us were also involved, of course. I sewed her outfit and made food, Paul presented the seniors, her younger siblings sang, and Amy took the pictures.


  1. :):):):):):):):) ALRIGHT!!!!!! :):):):):):):)

  2. she's so beautiful. :-)

  3. Congratulations Emily! That is said more heartily because of all the obstacles you've faced. It makes me think of how this is a foretaste of when we stand before God and He comments on our lives. All the tough character building stuff we've gone through, will makes His "Well-done!" all the more meaningful. I don't think any of it will be wasted.~Edith
