But the evening has its many good qualities, including tables decorated so beautifully that I think God should get these hostesses to help set up for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And the dessert table, goodness, that was MS of the L worthy as well.
Down at the other end of the hall, Emily had a photo booth set up, along with a sampling of her huge collection of props. The little girls had loads of fun with this and I think the moms did too. I hope some of them post their pictures.
Between announcing raffle winners and such, I slipped down to see how it was going with the photos and had a sudden urge to take a crazy picture myself. So I grabbed the granny glasses, a hat, a white filmy scarf, and a Voice of the Martyrs brochure from the shelf, posed briefly, yanked off the stuff, and went back to my duties.
I had left my Facebook account open on my laptop, and after she came home Emily posted the picture on Facebook without asking me first. "I think I might go for a ride on a very large gander tonight," she captioned it.

Oh dear, you know how it is when you see your own face in an unexpected pose, and there are your brother's and dad's mouths, and 4 aunts' noses, and the Millers' chins all blended into one face? And it's worse when you were just trying to look vintagey and instead you look like Mother Goose.

See what I mean? The beak and everything.
This sort of thing is why people never take me seriously, I'm sure of it.
Quote of the Day:
"Mom, you're a great storyteller if no one interrupts you."
I love it! This will be a treasure for years to come.;) And it could be worse...you could look like the wolf in "Little Red Riding hood" or something equally revolting!
ReplyDeleteThis is too funny!! :)
ReplyDeleteWell, when you compare the pose, the purple hat, the glasses....could YOU have resisted?
ReplyDeleteNotice I said pose, not nose! :)
Thanks for the good laugh!
-PC in VA
PC--Would you believe that at first read I really thought you said "nose?" And yes, Wanda, a wolf look would be much worse!
ReplyDeleteTo funny. Im just dying of laughter. Was in a blue funk, thanks for the good belly laugh and cute story.
ReplyDeleteOh, Dorcas, I WOULDN'T! Even if you HAD a "wierd" nose, I wouldn't! You see, that's always been a rather delicate topic with me....
ReplyDeleteBut! Once, in my hometown of Logan, Ohio, I saw a man with the entire bridge of his nose eaten away (cancer? I don't know), and I determined then and there to accept the nose my Creator bestowed upon me, and even be be grateful. At least mine was whole.
That doesn't mean I never crossed that bridge again in my life, though! Like when a girl from the community where I went to teach said, "I don't think about it like I used to; I've gotten used to it"! Or, the little Guatemalan girl who said, "Usted tiene un nariz grande como el Pinocchio." I was able to smile and say, "I know". :) -PC again