Sunday, November 05, 2006

November Column

Today's Letter from Harrisburg is about the Amish shooting and my response.


  1. thanks, I really enjoyed reading your column. Blessings

  2. Lovely. Tears and cheers as always!

  3. Great column. I check out your blog about weekly and I really enjoy reading it.

    I am from Lancaster County, Pa. Did you use to live here? My family loves living here and I hate to think of ever moving away but I think it might happen one day.

  4. Great column. The description brought back many memories for me as well. My DH never could get used to the various conversations going on at the same time in a single room! Used to drive him nuts.
    I find it too that Amish has become cool through the years & its a bit unsettling to me - progress is progress, but its not like it used to be & that part is sad.....blessings to you!

  5. Yes, indeed God works in mysterious ways. Ponder the fact that one year ago He chose to take the lives of five child siblings from a conservative family on the west coast and then just less than a year later He chose to take the lives of five even more conserative girls on the east coast. God gave the immediate families in both of these "secluded" communities a global pulpit from which to preach the universal message of forgiveness.

    Even though they hurt like anyone else in the rest of the world, their message was different. It was heard. They did well. God bless them.

