Friday, July 14, 2006

Touches of Grace

One of the ways that God gave grace in our grief was through unexpected acts of kindness.

Thursday, July 6, was an especially difficult day for Emily because it was her 16th birthday and also the day of Leonard's viewing in Minnesota.

My SIL Geneva, her daughter Hillary, Matt, Emily, and I all went to the viewing early and then left to buy a gift for Emily and eat ice cream. As we started walking to the store, Geneva stopped us, pointed to a line on the sidewalk, and said, "Ok, this side of the line, we're sad. Once we cross the line, it's Emily's party time."

So we crossed the line and sang a forced "Happy Birthday" and tried to be happy. But Emily couldn't manage to find something she wanted for a gift, and we were all feeling too heavy to celebrate. But we got ice cream and had a very good talk around the picnic table at the old-fashioned Dairy Queen.

Meanwhile, three of my niece Annette's friends came from Pennsylvania for the funeral. They heard that this was Emily's birthday, and all three of them, at different times, made a point of giving Emily a hug and wishing her a happy birthday.

These were girls Emily had never seen before, and that gesture was more meaningful than all the gifts and ice cream we could have bought her and helped to take the sting from a very difficult day.

Since I am finally able to take note of such things again, here's a
Quote of the Day:
Ben: (who is trying to read through the Bible in a year) Do you know why I like to read Psalms?
Me: No. (Thinks: because they speak to your heart with their worship and beauty?)
Ben: Because I read three chapters a day and the Psalms are really short.


  1. I just connected all the dots. When I read your first post about your nephew's death, I was saddened for you. . . last week I was in northern MN for a youth camp and someone shared about a young man (who had gone to some of the same youth rallies that I enjoy) who had just taken his life, and I was saddened for his family. It wasn't until I got back home and have read the rest of your posts that I realized -- it's the same person.
    Somehow it makes me even more sad...I can't imagine the grief your family is going through. Praying for you.

  2. Emily, I know how you feel. My grandpa was buried on my birthday, and also, the day we arrived in Pa when we drove in for my Mom's funeral was my birthday. Neither of them were quite as monumental as a 16th b-day but,nevertheless, the party spirit just don't come thru very well on occasions like that. I was thinking of you that day and hoping that somehow in the midst of all the grief and sorrow, someone would at least remember your special day! Pauline

  3. Dear Dorcas,
    Keep on writing, and sharing your story. It helps the rest of us grieve with you, and remember to keep praying for you. Even though I don't know you at all, I've been reading your blogs, and enjoying your family life.
    Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Great Healer, as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
