Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So why am I all giddy and fluttery, unable to stick to any task, leaping out of my seat to look out the window, busily tying up loose ends, making lists, feverishly wiping cupboard doors, and lecturing the children?

Because my sis Becky and her family are coming soon.

I haven't seen Becky since last August; our families haven't seen each other for about 3 years. They live in Yemen, so getting together is hard.

But they're on their way down Interstate 5.

Quote of the Day:
"Kann net wahda!"
--Becky and I ("Can't wait!")


  1. Na sa gooty gleni maet!!

  2. Yeah, what Arlene said. Exactly. Well, maybe, I mean, how would I know... :-)

    Don't have too much fun. :-D

  3. So happy for you enjoy it to the fullest!
    and to Arlene: You don't know these two together=)

  4. Net, so its that bad..huh? :)

  5. Our family will be in that state someday down the road. Conrad and Heidi are going to Africa. I can't imagine going that long without seeing a family member but I'll soon find out. Hope you have a great time and make many memories! :)
