Saturday, December 23, 2006


Our family was heavily represented in the church school's Christmas program the other night: Paul MC'ed and ran the lights and sound. Amy directed the performance of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," (if you haven't read the book by Barbara Robinson, go do so now), and she was also Mrs. Bradley, Ben and Steven were relatively minor characters, Jenny was Gladys Herdman/the angel of the Lord (and cute as all get out and whatever else you'd expect a mom to say) and Emily stole the show as Imogene Herdman.

When I say she stole the show, I don't mean that she hammed it up and was all cute. I mean that it was downright scary how she simply turned into Imogene. When she went into the anteroom, she was still Emily with hair slicked back and a pretty blue dress. When she came out in her sloppy clothes with a long hank of hair hanging in her face and a mean look in her eyes, she was Imogene. She wasn't Emily playing Imogene, she WAS Imogene. And she stayed Imogene while she backed Alice Wendelken against the wall and threatened to push a pussy willow down her ear, and while she burped the baby Jesus, and while she cried beside the manger.

And then she went back in the anteroom and emerged as Emily, proper and smiling and lovely.

Tell me, what do we as proper Mennonite parents do with a daughter who is a born actress?

(Edited to clarify: a musical gift, for example, is easier for a Mennonite to develop in the larger world. Steven's choir is very straightforward--nice songs, polo shirts, khakis. Drama, however, gets much more complicated. The girls and I went to see Once Upon a Mattress at the local community college Amy and Matt attend. It was billed as being great entertainment for children, so of course I imagined how it would be to have Emily act in something like this. Well. It was full of innuendo in the dialogue, and the king was a lecherous skirt-chaser, and the girls' gowns were cut down to there and further. Is it possible to find an acting outlet for her that doesn't send the message that it's ok to compromise all your principles for the sake of art and talent and a good story?)

Quote of the Day:
"Hey! Unto you a child is born!"
--Jenny/Gladys/the angel of the Lord


  1. My dad read us the story & we have it on tape. Wish we could've had our kids the other night!! :) PC in VA

  2. yeah, it was kinda scary how she WAS imogene. she did a great job. they all did.

  3. My sister Kristy is a born actress as well. I would have loved to see the program!

  4. The disconnected dispassonate Mennonite would call her a liar.
    ...but...but you can't just do that if you know her and love her. So, it must be that we have to think outside of our Mennonite thinking caps and find a place for that talent--like Steven and his choir.

  5. Send her to acting school, just like you sent Steven to sing in the choir!

  6. Oh, my! I would have loved to see your children in that play! In fact I would love to see that play in any sense. I think there would be great ways to channel Emily's tallents.

  7. "Tell me, what do we as proper Mennonite parents do with a daughter who is a born actress?"

    That's what I want to know too.

  8. Let me restate peaceful lady. What do we as Christian parents do with a daughter who is a born actress. There are a multitude of ways for a child trained in music to use the gift for the glory of God. There are opportunities for them to use that talent for wrong reasons, but singing is such a part of Christianity. I cannot say the same about the acting industry in this country.

  9. Make a Mennonite Movie :).

  10. correction--wish we could've had our kids THERE the other night! --PC in VA

  11. I agree with Arlene! Language in Context was a huge success and Luke Kuepfer and Jon Yoder are the first two Conservative Mennonite movie stars. I can see Emily being the third. With technology, you can make awesome little short movies on your computer! Go for it!!

  12. From what you've written about Emily on your blog, I would guess that acting is not the only ability she has that can be used for the glory of God! I say don't assume that her usefulness in God's kingdom depends on whether or not she has a chance to pursue an acting career.
